Sideline Call Forwarding, Articles E

training and development support to enable you to expand or enhance your role and career, which can include support to develop a range of skills such as: supervision and line management (through supervision of PhD students and PDRAs as appropriate), additional technical skills that would enhance your research, multidisciplinary research, but the proposal should be at least 50% quantum technology, opportunity to transition into a different area of quantum technology through your proposed research programme, partnership with other academic researchers, both in the UK and abroad, working with a mentor to develop your career but also acting as a mentor to others, either within your own research group or institution or within another institution or industry. Following the prioritisation panel, we will invite successful candidates to interview. Other issues you might also comment on are the uniqueness (or otherwise) of the collaboration, the value of the contribution of the component you can judge, and the significance of this in terms of future potential development in your own field. You should also comment on the suitability of arrangements for accessing resources other than through the grant, such as by collaboration with external groups. It may involve progress along an established research direction or a tangential switch into a new or different area, or may bring together expertise and approaches from different discipline areas. Our Network. Your assessment should be based solely on the resources sought and not on the costs derived from them. Furthermore you should comment on how the proposed vision of the fellowship will make a strategic contribution to the broader research landscape. Dr Georgios Leontidis | The Institute of Medical Sciences | The It can cover any aspect of quantum technology research. This will enable you to allocate 20% to 50% of your time spent on the fellowship to create positive change in the research community., Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Download the Fellowships peer review form, San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, part-time working for the principal investigator, co-investigators, post-doctoral research assistants, technicians or wider team costed on a grant, support for costs over and above standard care arrangements to allow the principal investigator or their team to attend activities associated with the grant (for example conferences) where costs cannot be met by the employer. EPSRC Fellowship - NHFP: Starts: 29 June 2018: Ends: 31 December 2021: Value (): 487,020: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: . Certainty of outcome is not an indicator of excellence, but neither is an incremental approach necessarily an indicator that a proposal lacks excellence. EPSRC Doctoral Prize | Doctoral College | University of Southampton For more information, read our fellowship application guide. Maria Mathew sur LinkedIn : #graduation #uoygraduate #proudmoment An interview panel will assess your application against the criteria below: How will the award progress the applicants career, allowing them to achieve research independence? In that case you should identify those aspects that you are able to comment on, and then give your review on just those aspects. View on Map If you do choose to look at this information, it is possible that your anonymity to the applicant will be compromised. The proposal, reviewers comments and your response will then go to a panel that will score it against our assessment criteria and rank it with other proposals. BBSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost. There are no restrictions on nationality. The reviewer form asks reviewers to comment on the applicants track record making reference to: The purpose of EPSRC fellowships is to help the best developing research talents in the UK to achieve their potential in becoming international leaders in research. call, type or mode: EPSRC open fellowship or EPSRC open plus fellowship. All relevant parts of the ethical information section must be completed. It involves technologies such as distributed databases, applied cryptography, networks, protocols, and algorithms. Universit degli Studi di Padova Nano Heat Transfer Lab UniPd is partner of TheMa4HERA research project within Clean Your research organisation must fund the remaining 20%. closed on weekends, bank holidays and other holidays. seek to assess tangibility of deliverables, direct return on investment or detailed routes to exploitation impact is not synonymous with early exploitation. A risk with part assessment is that it will miss the added value of the overall project (the whole ideally being greater than the sum of the parts) so even where you can only comment with authority on one aspect, it will be helpful to the panel to have your views on how compelling the arguments for the overall application are. Only completed applications will be reviewed for interview consideration. EPSRC assessment processes, including expert reviewing and panels, may acknowledge the impact of university contributions, but will not consider the level of matched university funding as a factor on which to base funding decisions. If you want to work part-time, you can hold your EPSRC fellowship part-time as well, at a minimum of 50% of your time. suitable support, of an appropriate level, offered by the host organisation? Your project can use one or a combination of: There is no limit on how much funding you can request. The reviewer form asks reviewers to comment on the national importance of the research. EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow fellowship interview. Equipment may be purchased where it is considered essential to the proposal and there is no alternative provision available. Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Part of the interview panels at Balliol College selecting researchers in the Sciences (across Engineering, Maths and Chemistry), College Lecturers (in Mechanics, Maths and Electricity), and also . Engineering Fellowship Interview Panel 29 and 30 January 2020 Advanced e-textiles for wearable therapeutics - Research Councils UK Jason Phillip Morgan - Process Engineer - Cardiff University - LinkedIn a cover letter (no page limit), this will not be seen by peer reviewers. There is no limit on how much funding you can request. Additional funding of up to 1.6 million from AHRC, a minimum of 1 million from BBSRC and up to 0.4 million from ESRC will be available for research at specified interfaces. You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later. Start application Apply for a fellowship focusing on any topic in the EPSRC portfolio. Interviews will take place around six weeks after the prioritisation panel meeting. Her current research involves the development and application of novel adaptive methods for microscopes and telescopes. Details of Grant - The Independent Research Fellowship (IRF) scheme is designed to develop scientific leadership among the most promising early-career environmental scientists. EPSRC Research Fellow - University of Oxford - LinkedIn It was a pleasure to speak to Inma about the intersection of product and commercial in media. appropriateness of the applicants track record. Your fellowship can be up to 3 years long. Read our advice on writing proposals (EPSRC). Stephen Eichhorn on LinkedIn: PhD Studentship: Advanced Composites PhD This is the only Discovery Fellowship funding opportunity open in 2023. Apply for a fellowship focusing on any topic in the EPSRC portfolio. Oxford, England, United Kingdom Leading research in optical fibre sensors. 40 Fellowship Interview Questions (+ Answers) Fellowships are also open to company employees to spend time working in a University department to facilitate knowledge transfer. The Fellowship funds a researcher or member of academic staff to undertake a 3-12 month secondment to a business or other partner organisation. This is for applicants planning to include international collaborators on their proposal. When applying, select New document, then: Your application should include the following attachments: You should attach your documents as PDFs to avoid errors and use single-spaced 11 Arial or similar sans serif typeface. Read more about the inspiring scientists and engineers who are our current fellows and find out how taking part in a fellowship has influenced their careers. Contact us; Legal. You should also consider that this unequal impact may continue beyond the return to work. The proposal, reviewers comments and your response will then go to a panel that will score it against our assessment criteria and rank it with other proposals. Elegance of presentation is not, of itself, an assessment criterion for an EPSRC grant. Guidance for this scheme will remain as below The IAA aims to enhance the exploitation of the outputs of EPSRC funded research. You can apply if you have a PhD or have worked in a relevant field for at least four years by the start date of your fellowship. How will this fellowship contribute strategically to the UKs quantum technology research landscape? Fellowships - UKRI - Research Councils UK An overview of EPSRC Fellowships EPSRC Open and OpenPlus fellowships support talented and ambitious researchers to deliver research excellence and lead our research base in evolving towards a modern working culture. make sure that the experience, aims and aspirations of the applicant are suitable for a fellowship application, commit to supporting the applicant to ensure their knowledge and expertise in implementing good practice in creating an inclusive research environment is continually updated, ensure the applicant has considered their knowledge of ethical, responsible innovation and thought about how they could further this knowledge. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. The call document can be found in the UKRI funding finder. You can spend between 50% and 100% of your time on a fellowship. Note that the existence of competing groups elsewhere should not of itself be seen as a reason for downgrading a proposal. EPSRC fellowships: early and established career - UKRI An EPSRC Fellowship is designed to provide the recipient with the necessary support to establish or further develop themselves as a leader of the future. Your project can be across any topic in the EPSRC portfolio. B1005 (Director's office) Crombie Annexe Old Aberdeen Campus College Bounds AB24 3TS. Funding is available for between three to five years. If you are a research organisation, you must: We invest in people with leadership potential at all career stages, helping them to lead excellent research projects. Dr Georgios Leontidis | The Institute of Medical Sciences | The Cross sector and organisational links, and research and innovation collaborations in both the UK and internationally, are encouraged. Proposals may build directly on prior work or may involve a speculative leap forward. ORNET List - These should be proportionate to the scale and complexity of the activity to be undertaken. Maths Fellowship Interview Panel - February 2022 - Research Councils UK Please leave enough time for your proposal to pass through your organisations Je-S submission route before this date. Your comments, scores and confidence level should explicitly reflect your views on those aspects you can assess, and you are asked not to moderate these in any way to reflect those areas you feel you cannot comment on. Optical Systems Manager . It will be sent electronically to at least three reviewers, including at least one nominated by you. Simone Mancin auf LinkedIn: #design #research #aviation #project # The things you must do before you start your application for a fellowship: You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S). a case for support (nine pages, seven on the scientific case and two on the non-technical aspects (meaning, to cover the non-scientific elements of the assessment criteria) of your application. The reviewer form asks reviewers to summarise their view of the application. EPSRC does not assess the presence or value of any matched funding provided by the university before making a funding decision. What is the applicants career vision and how will the fellowship enable them to realise their research vision? If the application is in a subject or area that causes you serious personal concern, to the extent that you feel you cannot provide an objective review, you should decline to review the application giving the reason as other, and stating ethical issues in the comment box. For help and advice on costings and writing your proposal, please contact your research office in the first instance. There is no set way for answering questions on the form. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Prize Fellowship, . The deadline for applications for the 2023 competition is 12pm, Tuesday 21 March 2023. The reviewer form asks reviewers to score their confidence as low, medium or high. We also welcome applications from candidates who want to move back into research after a career break or any other type of break from active research. You must be hosted and supported by an eligible UK research organisation during your fellowship. Below are last year's instructions. If you are not sure, contact the relevant portfolio manager or theme fellowship coordinator, or. applicant and partnerships (secondary major criterion), national importance (secondary criterion). As part of their investments in the second phase of the national programme, EPSRC has refreshed the quantum technology hubs with a 94 million investment in four hubs over five years. instrumentation and technique development, have already been in receipt of significant funding or have been leading in an area of technical development, have a planned programme of work up to five years in duration which will deliver high quality research with a focus on discovery science, innovation, instrumentation or technique development, or software engineering, can demonstrate that you have acquired the skills and expertise to successfully deliver your research proposal, and that you are committed to being an advocate for EPSRC and to implementing good practice in creating a modern and inclusive research environment. A dynamically adaptive water supply network can modify its state in response to changes in the operational conditions, performance objectives, an increase in demand and a failure. take the relative importance of identified impacts into account. Read more about the inspiring scientists and engineers who are our current fellowsand find out how taking part in a fellowship has influenced their careers. All Fellowship projects must lie within the EPSRC remit. He uses femtosecond pulse lasers to manufacture three dimensional devices inside transparent materials, applying adaptive optical techniques to enhance precision and/or speed. The EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship scheme is a unique and exciting opportunity for recent EPSRC-funded PhD graduates (or those who will have submitted their thesis by the application deadline) to launch their research career in a supportive environment at the University of Bristol. Find examples of projects we have funded by searching for fellowship in our online portfolio. Mohammad Afzal Shadab - NASA Jet Propulsion Lab Graduate Fellow - NASA As an NQTP partner, EPSRC are committed to growing, retaining and supporting talented people to lead within the quantum technology arena. AAPS CDT - EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Automotive This is a new category of engineering (cyber-physical) systems that combine physical processes with computational control in a holistic way in order to achieve . After reviews are complete, proposals with sufficiently supportive reviews will be sent to a prioritisation panel. These fellowships may have different eligibility, application and review processes. Through the quantum technology hubs and other quantum technology projects, EPSRC are a key partner within the NQTP and share the ambition to maintain the UKs reputation as an excellent place to do research. This is prorated for part-time fellows, at a minimum of 50% full time equivalent. Patrick Salter - Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford We will fund fellowships at 80% full economic cost. a co-investigator is expected to bring complementary experience and different skills. Why is this award necessary in order to achieve career development? The amount of time spent on a fellowship can vary over the funding period. Submissions to this call will count towards the EPSRC repeatedly unsuccessful applicants policy. ensure you have discussed your proposal with the NQCC and obtained a supporting letter if you are applying for a NQCC fellowship. Impact can take many forms over widely varying timescales. Read about the National Quantum Technology Programme (NQTP). For example, for animal research you should comment specifically on the need to use animals, the choice of species and the number of animals it is intended to use. -Established strong relationships with key stakeholders in government, academia and industry, and maintained a network of close working . Please provide as full a response as you believe you are qualified to. Find out more about visas for carrying out research in the UK. You should comment on how well this has been done and on the appropriateness of the resources requested. When you submit the application, it will first go to your host organisation for review. It is important that researchers and their research teams are able to work flexibly and in a way that meets their personal circumstances. NERC independent research fellowship 2021 - UKRI Your entire salary is paid for, along with indirect and estate costs. Specialist knowledge in microfabrication techniques, thin film depositions and acoustofluidic technology. EPSRC recognises that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major interruptions and disruptions across our communities and is committed to ensuring that individual applicants and their wider team, including partners and networks, are not penalised for any disruption to their career such as breaks and delays, disruptive working patterns and conditions, how competitive the proposed work is and how it compares to related international activity, whether the applicants show how their research fits with activities elsewhere in the world and whether they demonstrate awareness of the context and landscape within which they operate, to what extent the research will provide the UK with a unique capability, whether the applicant has presented the academic, industrial, policy, societal or other relevant context clearly. We encourage applicants who have taken a non-standard career path. It might involve developing a commercial product or service, or creating a new technology, but it could also be about improved medical or healthcare, contributions to national planning or social policy or engaging the public in the outputs of research. whether the proposal articulates a clear understanding of the context and needs of users: Does the proposed research programme consider how these needs will be met? EPSRC also welcomes exciting and novel ways of engaging in scientific communication and ambassadorship. This makes it easier for the panel to assess how complete and convincing the applicants responses are. Research organisations may wish to show their commitment to applicants by providing additional support and resources as evidenced in the host organisation statement (EPSRC). It is important that EPSRC funds are used ethically and responsibly. EPSRC fellowships help early and established career researchers with the greatest potential to develop world-leading research that will meet UK and global priorities. Enthusiastic bioprocessing engineer with 7+ years of multidisciplinary research and industrial experience. It can cover any aspect of quantum technology research. EPSRC "Postdoctoral" and "Early Career" - UCL Wiki 4-year Research Fellowship. You may request funding for your salary, staff costs, equipment and other items required to carry out the project, costs related to impact, and travel and subsistence. . (Note, holders of postdoctoral training fellowships such as the Marie Skodowska-Curie Actions can apply. You should indicate those aspects that you accorded higher or lower priority and why. The NQTP strategic intent sets out the programmes ambitions for the next 10 years and aims to make the UK: None of this can be achieved without a quantum ready workforce and the NQTP strategic intent makes a commitment to attract, grow and retain talent within the UK. Equipment between 10,000 and 400,000 can be requested if suitably justified. It is anticipated that interviews will be held middle of June 2021 CANDIDATE BRIEF Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Prize Fellowship 2021 - Two Fellowships available ., Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), our policy on repeatedly unsuccessful submissions, Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S), EPSRC fellowships framework application guidance, EPSRC fellowship guidance for applicants (PDF, 585KB), EPSRC Fellowship frequently asked questions, information and communication technologies, equipment and other items needed to carry out the project, help applicants identify how they fit the aims and outcomes of their career stage. Note also that fellowships may be held part-time, to a minimum of 50% of full-time equivalent, and can be presented and costed on that basis. The fellowships were aimed at early and established career stage academics whose research focused on the direct exploitation of quantum phenomena. You must be hosted by an eligible UK research organisation. We will fund 80% of the full economic cost of your project. Your project can use one or a combination of: discovery science innovation instrumentation and technique development software engineering Note that additional letters of support are not permitted on fellowship applications. Your application is assessed by peer review. We support early and established fellowships in all areas of EPSRC remit, covering: If you are not currently in an academic position, your host organisation must be prepared to give you the same level of support as it would for an academic member of staff. Email: As impact should be an embedded activity in the research programme, you should also assess the suitability and appropriateness of the methodology to realise impact in the proposal. Presentations can come at TOP TIP Preparing your presentation You may be asked to make a presentation at your the beginning of an interview or be separated from the question and answer (Q&A) and held at a diferent time. EPSRC postdoctoral fellowship - Imperial College London Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. The six levels of the scoring scale are as follows. You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place. Read the guidance on institutional eligibility. ensure your application fits into the EPSRC quantum technology remit, check that you meet the eligibility criteria in terms of experience and career stage, read the quantum technology career development fellowship frequently asked questions. B1005 (Director's office) Crombie Annexe Old Aberdeen Campus College Bounds You should comment on how clearly this is described, how appropriate it is for the planned activities, and their scientific and technical feasibility. The proposal should provide evidence of good communication skills (written, oral, presentation and other types) and demonstrate broader plans to enable research to realise impact. This application is scientifically or technically flawed, This application does not meet one or more of the assessment criteria, This application meets all assessment criteria but with clear weaknesses, This is a good application that meets all assessment criteria but with minor weaknesses, This is a strong application that broadly meets all assessment criteria. ensure your application fits into the EPSRC remit. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. you must submit document which will send your application to your host organisations administration. . During fellowship training, there's a good chance you will experience the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows, and they want to ensure that you can handle both with ease. You are asked to read that call document and to make your assessment of the application within the context of the aims, objectives and specific assessment criteria for that call. applicant and partnerships (secondary major criterion), national importance (secondarycriterion), resources and management (secondary criterion). Where known impacts have occurred, these should have been highlighted in the application, including the assumptions and information at the point of submission. You must be hosted and supported by an eligible UK research organisation during your fellowship. Research grants are open to UK higher education institutions, research council institutes, UKRI-approved independent research organisations, Public Sector Research Establishments and NHS bodies with research capacity. Your proposal must include a career development work package. These fellowships may have different eligibility, application and review processes. You may apply for funding for facilities costs and cruise costs. I am an EPSRC Research Fellow in the Department of Engineering Science. EPSRC fellowships | University of Oxford Department of Physics Applicants were not required to include contingency plans for the potential impacts of COVID-19. EPSRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost of equipment. Applicants can request to spend between 50% and 100% of their time on a fellowship. Sign up for news, views, events and funding alerts. January 17, 2023. The EPSRC Doctoral Prize fellowship is a prestigious scheme aimed at developing the very best EPSRC funded students beyond the end of their PhD and help them launch a successful career in research. Find out more aboutourpathway for change. Alice Cicirello - Associate Professor - LinkedIn The content of a paper is more important than publication metrics or the identity of the journal in which it was published, especially for early-stage investigators. Any queries regarding the submission of proposals through Je-S should be directed to the Je-S helpdesk. Eligibility Nominated candidates: Must be EPSRC funded students (that is, they must have received fees and/or stipend from an EPSRC training grant, or have been funded on an EPSRC research grant);