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Special notes . 286,078 is an entirely arbitrary number. You want to do longer runs where you max out everything and big crunch manually. You may have to wait about 2-3 hours for 1.8e308 replicanti and then buy a replicanti galaxy in order to do this. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Antimatter Dimensions Wiki 108 Explore Wiki Content Community Register Achievements Edit Each Achievement has conditions that must be met before they are earned. This section is a bit slow. "Design", "Christmas", "Finnish", "Confused", or "Nicolas". Buy everything costing 100 B IP or less, then buy the 2nd level of ID1. Starting with 100 antimatter is actually tied to completing C1. Do manual boosts if you get stuck and eventually the challenge will succeed. Get 1.8e308 multiplier in a single Sacrifice. These infinity runs will be quite long. The rewards for finishing the Eternity Challenges will help in how much EP and progress you make. While doing this, you can complete the following achievements (these are just the ones you need something special for): You have now reached the 2nd 3-way split of the time study tree. Your achievement bonus affects Infinity Dimensions. Try to keep infinity points (IP) on hand for the multiplier to first dimensions based on unspent IP. Have the time between two ticks be 6 hours or more (excludes offline ticks, includes the Kongregate purchase). After you complete this achievement, you can do other things, like grinding for EP. 46.3% Boosting to the max Buy 10 Dimension Boosts. Note: at this point, finishing the 3rd row of achievements can help a lot due to the dimension multiplier. This achievement's unlock requirement does not consider RG's obtained from TS225 or TS226. Popular music (Possible at about 1e150 EP w/active path) - At least 1 normal galaxy required, and will be able to get eventually with more EP and TT, just involves management with replicanti galaxies (180 of them to be exact). Unlock two new Infinity Upgrades - 2 IP multiplier and an offline IP generation. (I found ways to beat it in 1e17 EP or less, even without eternity challenge completion: respec studies and turn off all autobuyer, buy single 1st dimensions, crunch (if you can't, buy second and third until you have more than 1.80e308 antimatter, you can only get about 27 IP), then turn on auto crunch and set to 2e308x, buy all studies with TD/idle, then turn on normal dimension 1-8, tickspeed, dimboost, galaxies, infinity dimension 1-8, replicanti change, interval, max galaxies, replicanted galaxies and IP multi, I beat in 2e16 EP without any eternity challenge complete - E308.25), Eternities are the new Infinity (Possible at about 1e18 EP w/ infinity dimensions and active path) - Should eventually be trivial, either you can get them through autobuy, click on big crunch a few times, etc. In addition to having Challenge 9's restriction, when buying dimensions 1-4, everything with costs smaller or equal increases, and when buying dimensions 5-8, everything with costs bigger or equal increases. Tooltip has the additional disclaimer "(Your Antimatter Galaxies are reset on Infinity.)" After you beat EC12x5, you should have over 1e1300 EP (you actually don't need this much to beat EC12x5, but you should eventually get 1e1300 EP). Crunch with 10 minutes in this Infinity. Have completed 50 ECs completed after Eternitying. All Antimatter Dimensions are raised to ^1.081, Increase the multiplier per repeatable Dilated Time multiplier upgrade by 1.35. Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge.
Google Play Achievements for Antimatter Dimensions - Chapter Cheats You can complete this achievement in a Challenge because the last 4 Infinity upgrades (the ones that provide additional Dimensional Shifts at the start of an Infinity) don't work in Challenges. Antimatter Dimensions Ultimate Sigma's Modifications (with help from Aarex) This mod set contains all of the previous Aarex modifications, as well as new ones I created. The downsides include disabling the Replicanti Galaxy autobuyer in the active path and Replicanti speed 10x slower in the idle path. Like regular Challenge 9, this requires very careful planning.]]. The reward is not to be confused with the 7 eternity milestone, as it unlocks the infinity challenges right away, which saves 1 tick. Because of that, you will need to dilate time for tachyon particles every now and then. Antimatter Dimensions NG-4 Respecced You have antimatter. This also has to do with enough progression and EP. Set auto dim1-7 on buy1, dim8 on buy10. You will also be able to buy 'Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 for 10 IP. Antimatter Dimensions is an idle incremental game that has a ton of unlockable features and achievements. You could also do this with macro/autoclicker strategies. Note: the XeX notation means the first number followed by the second number of zeroes, so for example 2e6 = 2000000, 1.53e4 = 15300, etc. By this point, you will have about 10 infinities and your fastest time should be around 11 minutes if you're active. Replicanti rise exponentially and give a multiplier to Infinity Dimensions. There is a little wall to unlock dilation. Buy a first dimension. Next, get 222 again then finally 226. Have 569 Antimatter Galaxies, and 0 Replicanti Galaxies. Now you're thinking with dilation! After this, do a bunch of quick runs for Eternity Milestones. Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil. This achievement may also be achieved by just importing, although it may not work. At 1e170 IP you will be able to start getting replicated galaxies, but before you do this, get the rest of the row 8 achievements. This may take some time. You will have to wait long for 1e100 IP, which is over an hour, and without doing anything. Then when you can, get 192, then drop those again for study 201. Buying tickspeed upgrades in infinity challenge 5 is 100% safe now but the goal was increased to compensate. You will see that it will help progression a TON. When you can, respec out of the 21 path, get the Normal Dimension path, and get the study you were saving up for. There is a point where the IP starts slowing down in production (probably after a few minutes of the infinity) with close to 1% of the IP on big crunch, but it will depend. You should still follow the order of the Eternity Challenges to increase power, and try to achieve some achievements in row 12. Previously in the spot of 38. There are eight dimensions in total. Have the sum of your IC times be <750ms after Crunching. guys i found out how omega notation works. At 1e56 IP, do IC3.
The Unscaled Incremental - GitHub Pages 'Is this safe?' With this time study, you can be able to easily beat challenges and make more progress faster.
antimatter dimensions zero deaths - Sozyaz.com Best Contents 2023 - 2022 Once you have 1e200 IP and 1e45000 Antimatter, unlock ID6. Then, buy 2nd dimensions until their multiplier (shown on the left next to where it says "first dimension") is higher than the multiplier for the first dimension, then buy 3rd dimensions until their multiplier is higher than the 2nd, and so on. Have 1e26,000 IP, with 0 time studies, while dilated. Your IP: You can do a really long run overnight if you want. (now 117) in the mobile version. Turn off bulk buy. 3-28-2020, v1.4: Added a new upgrade, and changed the font from meme font (impact) to .
Antimatter Dimensions Play Antimatter Dimensions on CrazyGames Get the sum of Normal Challenge times under 5 seconds. Repeat this every time you get a new upgrade so you can optimise. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2dbc7998d7f7e0 For more information, please see our - Dimension and Tickspeed cost multipliers will rise faster as you buy more instead of the cost multiplying by a static amount like it does pre-infinity. You will eventually get enough IP/EP to get 1e8,296,262 ticks per second, but it will take some time to get it. This gives a reward of TDs being multiplied by the number of Time Studies you have. How to do it: When you have 1e150 First Dimensions (Around 1e183 Antimatter), buy ONE first dimension.
Zero Deaths Achievement - Antimatter Dimensions - Exophase.com EC7x5 (EP: 1e120, 1,159TT | Goal: 1e4120 IP) should be done after completing EC10 once, since it is sort of really difficult to get enough IP before EC10. There is also an EP multiplier which gives more EP. Note: Banked infinities are useful for future completions of this challenge, go grind banked infinities and (not banked) eternities if you haven't, and you don't have to complete EC10 in one fell swoop (You don't have to do all the completions, you can do it later at e200 EP or higher. You can easily get around 100 IP now. antimatter dimensions zero deaths You just made your 1,000,000,000,000,000 antimatter. When time in infinity <3 minutes and in a challenge, all dimension multipliers are multiplied by. After this, switch to Time Dimensions + Idle. The first one (Max 8ths used on reset) means to always Dimension Boost until it costs more than that many 8th dimensions.
No Graphics, but you will LOVE IT! Antimatter Dimensions - YouTube In addition to having Challenge 9's restriction, when buying dimensions 1-4, everything with costs smaller or equal increases, and when buying dimensions 5-8, everything with costs bigger or equal increases. (Mobile) Autobuyer intervals are maxed on Breaking Infinity, and subsequently this achievement is unlocked for free. Additionally all multipliers are further multiplied by everything else on this page. After beating EC10 once, you get access to the 3rd 3 way split on the time study tree, which leads to the endgame, and has more time studies. Easily feasible by crunching regardless of replicanti and waiting for 9 replicanti. - Passively generate infinitied stat based on your fastest infnity: Infinitied stat is how many times you've infinitied but this stat will now be increased based on your fastest infinity. EC11 and EC12, however, cost only 1 time theorem, unlike the other challenges you've faced before. <1 minute in the current Eternity, while Dilated. This is a "total" requirement - it can be spread across as many eternities and sessions as needed. No ethical consumption: Get 5,000,000,000 banked infinities. Spend your first EP on First Time Dimension. Steam. 1st Antimatter Dimensions are 50% stronger. This is most easily done in Infinity Challenge 6. The achievement's name and image was changed around 2 days after the "This update sucks" update. Sacrifice when multiplier gained is 1.8e308. Set max galaxies in the galaxy autobuyer to 1 and the dimension boost autobuyer to 56/2 for now. These 2x boosts can stack. EC9 will be another challenge that will have a problem with TS181 when you first buy it, but that will be explained later on. The basic Goal is to reach infinity and receive an infinity point, which can be spent on various skills to increase your overall production. Click to reveal Internally called "Minute of infinity" on web. Wait another few days for each overpriced TD and wait 1-2 weeks to reach the endgame. At this point until start of next section, focus on upgrading autobuyers with IP, and upgrading the bulk buy and interval on all of them. You will also unlock a new mechanic called Dimensional Sacrifice after 5 dimension shifts/boosts, which basically briefly interrupts progression for a boost to the 8th dimension. Dimensions Statistics Achievements Dimensions Time Dimensions Production Check how much IP you will get on crunch when you are at your peak IP/min. It have several Prestige layers, bunch of upgrades, achievements, optimization. 500 52.97% (20.8) Multidimensional Later updates removed the reward text: "Reward: Gain a small bonus to time dimensions based on amount eternitied. Your IP will go up a lot due to these upgrades. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. During this section, I recommend you set your dimension boost autobuyer to 0 (4 on mobile) max 8ths used on reset, However many galaxies you can get without boosting on the second field, then 1 bulk buy. There is a base multiplier which comes from all the times you have boosted, purchased 10 dimensions or tickspeed upgrade, or sacrificed: [This is part is still in progress.] Each dimension actually produces the one before it, causing polynomial growth. Just do it normally. You could do it now, but it will take long). You'll get this automatically once your Replicanti are upgraded enough. Have all equipped Glyphs be Music Glyphs. You may do EC11 first in this section (Goal: 1e500 IP) with the EC11 setups (Use 222,231,223,225,233, maybe drop 214 and 201 if you can't afford this), and may take a few hours to complete EC11 entirely (5 completions). At exactly 2 hours and around 11 minutes of idling with no dimensions/infinities (usavictor's experience) with this time studies tree layout of 11,21,22,31,32,33,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,162,171,161,181|0, you will finally get the achievement, at 1e100 IP. When you are stuck buy max of dimensions 8, 7, 6, 5, then 1. 2 years of updates . Overwritten by TS111. All Antimatter Dimensions are stronger in first 3 minutes of an Infinity, but only in challenges. You will have about e67000 Antimatter at the end of this section. 3,145 Obtainable EXP. [[/note]], * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. antimatter dimensions zero deaths; antimatter dimensions wiki; antimatter dimensions long lasting relationship; antimatter dimensions save editor; antimatter dimensions ic5; This increases improves the IP formula from to . Press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, enter on your keyboard in a single session in that order with no other key presses in between. "8 nobody got time for that": Turn off dimension autobuyers 1-7. When you reach 1e50 EP, you're initially doing the long haul. After this, do not buy any more Dimension Boosts or Galaxies. The reward is that antimatter will not reset on dimension shift/boost and on galaxy. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental sport with a number of layers of unlocks, status, and achievements. . This is to prevent game-breaking growth. Get 1e102, then do IC6 (easy), at 1e114 IP do IC7 (takes a few minutes), then at 1e129 IP (Getting to 1e129 IP can be a bit tricky) do IC8 (not that hard), then go for 1e140 IP to unlock the next mechanic: Replicantis. Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge. Get to Infinity in under 250 milliseconds. Each first dimension provides you with antimatter, each second dimension . Look at your IP/min on the big crunch button and wait until it peaks for the final time. You can only use the TD path (and since the RGs take longer to get), you have to use the passive path (middle path). (You'll have a sum of about 10-12 seconds or less. Zero Deaths Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge. Next, get 1e71 IP, and do IC4. Antimatter Dimensions is a highly unfolding Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements.
Antimatter Dimensions on Steam Made most large numbers in achievements be listed in your chosen notation. Google Play Achievements - Antimatter Dimensions Unlockables for Android Game Video Walkthroughs 3DS Android DS iPhone - iPad PC PS4 PS5 PS Vita Switch Xbox One Xbox Series X All Platforms Android Games Google Play Achievements for Antimatter Dimensions Home / Android / Overview Cheats & Hints Questions Videos Developer: Jakub Kajfosz The first 3 upgrades in the column are just a production boost, then finally, you have one that lets you generate IP. I recommend closing the game before bed and doing this overnight. Importing "Do a barrel roll" will make the game screen do one clockwise revolution. When saving up for a study, the extra TTs you have are refered to as spare ones. This will be important for getting to 1e50 EP. Because of the slowness of IC4 and IC8, you can't get 'Like jumping on a lego' yet, unless you have enough IP and autoclicker/macro strategies to get it. Beat Infinity Challenge 5 (IC5) in 15 seconds or less. 1e90 IP, 0 1st ADs, 0 infinities, 4 Dimension Boosts, 1 Antimatter Galaxies, and 0 Replicanti Galaxies. (Mobile) You keep your Replicanti and 1 Replicanti Galaxy on Infinity. ALSO WATCH PARTS 0 AND 0.5. Set your update rate to 33ms in settings to make this faster. On Android, select "Time study numbers ON" in Options. This process could take a while. All Antimatter Dimensions are stronger in the first 3 minutes of Infinities. 1e1,400,000: The number of antimatter required to unlock the fourth completion of Eternity Challenge 7.
Antimatter Dimensions (Video Game) - TV Tropes 1st Antimatter Dimensions are 3 times stronger. (log10(AD1)/10)^2.4 -> (log10(AD1)/10)^2.6, or AD1^0.01 -> AD1^0.011 if you completed IC2. Additional 4 multiplier to Infinity Points gained from Big Crunch. This is important because you will be able to get the "is this safe" achievement, just make sure to crunch or get an RG to reset your replicanti, then wait for 1.8e308. "Nice." You will probably have ~e3 EP and have reached the first 3-way split of the study tree. The achievement is a reference to the guards in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I recommend you always do it at 2x unless you are approaching a dimension boost or galaxy (first at 4-5x). There should also be at least 400 time theorems bought. EC8 strategy: Buy all the studies up to 123, buy 13 RGs, 9% replicate chance, max interval, 50 ID1s, then wait, then buy the rest of the time studies. Buy a single 1st Dimension when you have over 1e150. The picture for it on the web version shows a donkey ([[VisualPun aka an ass]]), and the picture on the mobile version just has the text "I can't draw this like really what do you expect come on". Crunch in C8 with 3 minutes in this Infinity.
Steam Community :: Antimatter Dimensions To save 100 times quickly, click the save button and then hold enter, or use an autoclicker. Go to Statistics -> Past infinities and see if your peak IP/min matches your actual IP/min. Note that right after getting a replicated galaxy progress will be very slow. Achievements are mostly designed based on the game progress: Secret achievements are in the same tab as Achievements. This achievement switched positions with "Long lasting relationship" (now 124) in the Reality Update. You get one every time you reach infinity (for now). Challenges 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, and 12 are very easy, Just a bit slower. (can be done way before 1e50 EP, with 1e300 times big crunch, ID/active path, just do your usual grinding technique, just changed to get fast enough to get under 200 ms eternities, and with a fast update rate in settings). This process will be slow at first. Complete the 3rd Antimatter Dimension Autobuyer challenge (C3) in 10 seconds or less. Sum of Normal Challenge records 5 seconds. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Getting 1 normal galaxy and 180 replicanti galaxies is the easiest way to get this achievement, with use of the active path. ", (Mobile) This achievement doesn't exist II. Achievements; Forum; 0 Achievements Earned; 0 Players Tracked; 100 Total Achievements; 0 Obtainable EXP; 0 100% Club; Zero Deaths. Unlike the IP multiplier, you do not need all Eternity upgrades to buy the multiplier. However, you likely are in the period where you can clear EC8x5 without breaking a sweat. For time studies, once you have 201, and everything up to row 21, and 223 and 232, get 222, then switch to 224. (log10(AD1)/10)^2.0 -> (log10(AD1)/10)^2.2, or AD1^0.008 -> AD1^0.009 if you completed IC2. and our In addition, some achievements have their own rewards. "Potato" is 1e29, the requirement of the original "Faster than a Potato" achievement, so Potato^2 = 1e58. Now, set your crunch autobuyer to crunch every 5 seconds, and turn off your RG autobuyer, and wait overnight. When you hit 1e100 EP, the purchases for the eternity multipliers start to slow down, as they have increased in price. - Autobuyers. * {{Squick}}: There's an Achievement called "Like Feasting on a Behind", which has rather disgusting implications. You automatically collect antimatter over time - you can use this antimatter to buy dimensions. Even if you complete the challenge, matter will continue rising. Have all your past 10 Infinities be at least 1.8e308. The first 2 basically reduce post-e308 Antimatter Dimension/Tickspeed cost scaling which helps with production.