Young writers and artists may send their work to: Highlights, 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. The kind of story they wont be amazed by, however, is fan fiction, or one that possesses cliche elements. Stories should be no more than 6,000 words in length and aimed at teens from 12-17. Payment: $.02 per word, or $20 per work, whichever is more. Dark science fiction and fantasy is okay, but no horror. Please submit each manuscript only once, to the most appropriate magazine (Highlights, High Five, or Hello), keeping in mind the different age ranges. Like other magazines on this list, the Bennington Review allows for fiction, nonfiction and poetry. While Zizzle editors embrace fresh perspectives on the nuanced joys and tensions in kids daily lives and imaginations, they welcome untraditional storytelling plus tastefully humorous stories. This magazine is looking for submissions for short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from writers with a fresh voice and compelling story to share. According to the, Include a cover letter with a brief bio introducing yourself and your background. Please submit each manuscript only once, to the most appropriate magazine (. Read the submission guidelines to learn the kind of stories Clubhouse seeks, like mystery or sci-fi, and what will get you axed from the shortlist. We do not accept work through Submittable (or through e-mail) from writers younger than 16. Despite being a science fiction magazine, the main focus should be on the individual, and the science should be approachable by the average reader. Midnight & Indigo strives to be a voice for black women writers. Loading view. Erica welcomes connections via @TheDavisGirl or LinkedIn. Get inspired to make your best imagery yet. Gadgets, troubleshooting, tips and tricks those are just a few of the possible topics to choose from. Please upload only one manuscript or query per submission. Poems must have fewer than 75 words, and art must be on unlined paper. The colorful pages are designed to engage and educate early learners to read, see, and do. Women Artists Datebook is also only open to women writers but accepts poetry and art. The magazine features stories, poems, drawings, and paintings by children! A quarterly literary journal that is all about poetry, Contemporary Verse 2 also publishes interviews and articles about poetry. Payment: $15 for a single page, $20 for two pages, with a 50% wealthy split. Writers with expertise in science, technology, culture and social studies have five nonfiction magazines (for ages 3-14) to submit to: Click, Ask, Muse, Cobblestone and FACES World Cultures and Geography. I have experience with Highlights High Five magazine which I assume works similarly to Highlights. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Payment: $75 for articles under 850 words, $100 for articles over 850 words that also have accompanying artwork. Create. Highlights offers 4 age-appropriate magazines for children of all ages: Highlights Hello for ages 0-2, High Five for ages 2-6, High Five Bilinge (in Spanish and English) for ages 2-6 and Highlights for ages 6-12. Creative contributions from submitters younger than 16 should be mailed to Highlights, 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. Respecting and sharing a creative outlook on the world is key to nurturing childrens imagination and resourcefulness. The Georgia Review is associated with the University of Georgia, and regularly wins awards over more popular magazines such as the Atlantic, the New Yorker, and Vanity Fair. They offer $400 for essays and stories, $150 for pieces of flash fiction, and $100 for poetry. Please mention the subject line as "MAGAZINE NAME_SUBMISSION . Payment: $100 for flash fiction and $200 for short stories. In return, kids have sent us more than 2 million letters , poems, drawings and more and we've personally responded to each one . Short . Word count for most articles is between 1,500-3,500 words. As the name implies, Elevator Stories is interested in flash fiction or personal essays that are less than 2,000 words. View the submission guidelines for artists to find out how to submit there, too. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Niche Pursuits is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. When hes not writing content for digital marketing blogs, hes either hanging out with his family, reading, or on some off-road trail in Texas somewhere in his Bronco. 2022 Highlights for Children, Inc. All rights reserved. Theyll know that just like the grown-ups around them , For 75 years, weve been dedicated to helping families raise. Share a poem that youve written or a picture that youve drawn, photographed, or painted. no Bitch Magazine. Thank you for your interest in writing for High Five. For [] Besides writing that explores, questions and challenges, editors also favor stories that demonstrate what its trying to do for others and the world. The fun, bright faade of this magazine is sure to excite children! The family-run magazine began in Honesdale, PA and now has offices in Ohio. Payment: $0.05 per word with a maximum of $100, and $50 per poem. Highlights is a general-interest magazine for children ages 6-12. The official literary journal of Antioch College, The Antioch Review also claims to be the oldest continuously publishing literary magazine. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and criticism are the types of work that 3AM Magazine is interested in receiving. Instead, it strives to publish stories that the readers will find both interesting and accessible. Submit your thrilling story to the address found in the. If you want to cancel a Highlights book club membership, you should call 888-372-6433 and press 2 when prompted. Secure online ordering. Whatever you submit, be sure to follow the magazines cardinal rules: No swearing, sex, drugs or sexist language. Pay: Up to $300 per published article. Creative contributions from submitters younger than 16 should be mailed to Highlights, 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. Needs: Fiction and poetry. That was a turnaround time of 3 weeks. and has graced the shelves of homes, libraries, and waiting rooms since 1946. (No people in the photos, please.) Check back soon to see if your submission is featured. Payment: $50 for prose and $25 for poetry. (ages 6-12), U.S. : $6 for each accepted story; $3 for flash fiction. You never pay for a product you and your child don't absolutely love. Download the new Highlights Library App! Only your trusted circle has witnessed the magical way you weave words together to create fictional and nonfictional worlds for tiny humans yet, everyone tells you more people need to read your childrens and YA stories. Most of their stories encourage the reader to see health or the healthcare environment in a slightly different context. Billed for magazines that I did not order. But its a great way to begin earning money for your work, which one day will pay the bills. Feel free to submit more than one story, but be sure to note it on your manuscript. Submit to any of its magazines: Countdown, Blast Off, Orbit or Touchdown. I test recipes (yum!) Payment: $40 for poems and activities, and $175 for fiction and nonfiction stories. AGNI specifically looks for writing that pushes the boundaries of accepted norms, while writing in a style that is all your own. How will the child know the gift is from me? We may publish it on the back cover of our magazines, in our newsletter, or on our @highlightsforchildren Instagram account! Atlas Obscuraruns travel-based articles about destinations, experiences, food, and other unique stories, but they also have a food section as well entitledGastro Obscura. We are here to champion writing that upsets systems of power and dominance, explains the, . At Highlights, we're leaning in and listening to kids' stories. 1,000-7,500 words is the range for consideration, but most published pieces are between 3,000 and 5,000. We do not consider previously published material. Please do not include personal information, such as your last name, street, town, or school. Texts must be developmentally appropriate and relevant to the ages and stages of infants and young toddlers. Discover new makeup products, reviews, skincare tips and more! By Phone. Smarty Pants Magazine for Kids is a publication that strives to delight, educate and entertain children from every walk-of-life.. Your First . Payment: $200 per poem, and $400 per story. You can mail or email submissions. HIGHLIGHTS, HIGH FIVE, HIGH FIVE BILINGE, HIDDEN PICTURES, LET'S GROW, and FUN WITH A PURPOSE are trademarks and copyrights of Highlights for Children, Inc. Submissions. The magazine accepts no outside advertising and has no religious or organizational affiliation. In its biannual issues, BLJ welcomes three to five pieces of poetry in any style and fiction stories up to 2,000 words. (Their current submission page lists guidelines for 2019 and has not yet been updated for 2020.) Highlights Magazine. Clickhereto learn more. Hello manuscripts should max out at 50 words, but shorter texts work better. You never pay for a product you and your child don't absolutely love. Kids are exceptionally active thinkers. Magic Dragon - Ages 12 and younger. Confidence allows them to look at mistakes as opportunities rather than as failures, and feel secure making decisions of their own. links Details for each individual theme are on their website, which rotates regularly. This subset of the horror genre pays for short stories, cover art, and poetry (including haikus). Discussion Guide. Highlights (U.S. America's favorite kids' magazines! Payment: 50 for poetry and flash fiction, and 75 for longer short stories. If you've ever made any money from your writing, Writers Weekly wants to hear about it. Please query us with a well-structured article proposal that includes a catchy lead, a summary of the article (including approximate length and sidebar ideas), and appropriate details. (No people in the photos, please.). Seeing your name in print is a special feeling. February 2023 Highlights Magazine Survey. Here are the five most sobering truths Highlights magazine ever taught me. If purchased individually, the price for twelve . Customer Service. : $.08 per word for original fiction of any length and a $20 flat rate for flash fiction. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser.