Cal State L.A. has not announced Miller's hiring yet . He was dedicated to the education of elementary teachers, and periodically substituted in local public schools to maintain his own skills for supervising the field work of teachers-in-training. In addition to declaring that Benson had "one of the best philosophic minds in the business," he pointedly remarked that "[Arthur] is just about sui generis . A memorial was held at Church of the Transfiguration in Los Angeles on July 9.The Emeritimes, Fall 2016, VITO G. SUSCA, Emeritus Professor of Music, 1956-1991, died on June 7 in Burbank, just a few months shy of his 90th birthday. Her colleagues and students remember Demetra fondly for her personal charm, dedication to her teaching, and commitment to humane causes, especially the causes of world peace, universal civil rights, protection of the environment, feminism, and the humane treatment of animals. She received her B.A. He led by example, serving on the Santa Monica Planning Commission during his residence there in the 1970s. The family attended interment at Rose Hills Cemetery.The Emeritimes, Spring 2017, GEORGE ROBERT VICK, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, 1967-2002, died at his home in Pasadena on September 30, 2016 in the presence of his wife and son. After retirement and the move to Cambria, both were very active in the many community activities Cambria had to offer. He was also a driving force in forming a coalition of university presidents to improve relationships with the Colorado legislature. During World War II, he was a tool and die maker, an occupation considered essential to the war effort. He ran over 55 marathons between the ages of 67 and 80 years, participating in races in many different countries. He later earned a Ph.D. from Southern Florida Graduate School. According to Montgomery, Saralyn was generous to a fault. She was enshrined in the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Mass in 1995, into the inaugural class of the Womens Basketball Hall of Fame in 1999 and into the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Hall of Fame in 2010. Stan is survived by his wife Carol, three brothers, four children, 11 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Sig became an emeritus professor in 1986. In addition to Ellen, Ken is survived by their son Kenneth, two grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren.The Emeritimes, Spring 2013, GABY STUART, Professor of English, 1964-1991. The appointment to Clermont-Ferrand was awarded by the French Ministry of Education following a competition. Diamond was a professor of psychology at Cal State L.A. from 1949 until his retirement in 1971. Ed published four books: Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy (1950), Modern American Diplomacy (1954), Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt: Comparisons and Contrasts (1964), and Toward a More Perfect UnionThe Constitution in Historical Perspective (1967), as well as a number of journal articles. In the early 1960s, Pat married and moved to California. He was recognized as a leader in his field, serving as an officer and president of several professional organizations. His earlier career included service as a military policeman during the Korean War, service with the San Fernando Police Department, and service with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, where he took an early retirement to become an educator. She is survived by her husband and three daughters.The Emeritimes, March 1984, MARGARET SHEPHERD, wife of Emeritus Professor of Education Gerald Shepherd, died March 24, 1984. After two years, he transferred to Carleton College in order to pursue a major in English. Professor Kiker taught a broad range of subjects during his extended tenure on faculty. degrees from New York University in 1954 and 1966, respectively. The Jack-Roller was a 16-year-old mugger in Chicago. After his retirement, Vince continued to broaden his horizons as he and his wife, Dodie, traveled extensively, visiting most of the continents of the world. He performed frequently on the piano, both as soloist and accompanist. At Cal State L.A., he proceeded through the ranks to professor. Miller coached the young Golden Eagles squad to a 15-13 overall record and an 11-8 CCAA record. Born on April 11, 1930 in Los Angeles, Bill graduated from Eagle Rock High School and joined the U.S. Navy Reserves in 1948. He retired in 1992. While at American University and the Legislative Reference Service, he wrote many reports on various Asian issues for members and committees of Congress. He published 20 papers in aqueous electrochemistry, propellant chemistry, and atmospheric kinetics related to air pollution. degree from UC Berkeley in 1961, M.S. In 1941, he earned an administrative credential at the University of Southern California. in 1959 at the University of San Carlos (Philippines) and M.A. Richard is well remembered and much appreciated for the Music Department's biennial "Vocal Extravaganza" performances, which he organized and co-produced. When she started teaching at Cal State L.A., she was one of several faculty members who taught the first course in nursing and initiated fledgling students into the profession of nursing. John and Leonard Mathy formed the nucleus of the Department of Economics and were instrumental in establishing its curriculum and its character. He earned his B.A. As a Western Association of Schools and Colleges high school accreditation team member since the early eighties, George contributed to the external academic community, serving as team leader for the last decade. He was fluent in French, German, Spanish, Russian, Greek and Mandarin Chinese. He was the last living of the 10 children of Jacob and Amelia Tuohino and is survived by his wife Jean; their children Barbara Funk, Lawrence Tuohino, Nancy Chapman, Kent Tuohino, and their spouses; and five grandchildren,. Al was born in Los Angeles, and as a boy of 10 he began diving, a sport in which he became expert as an adult. Although active in professional activities and department affairsshe chaired the department at one timeshe was, in her own words, "the teacher type" who enjoyed teaching and took it seriously, "constantly learning and trying to make the teaching more meaningful to the students." Both Al and Fleur completed physics doctoral programs at the University of Rochester. Pat is survived by daughters Donna, Stephanie, and Robbi, and sons Glenn and Mick, and their spouses; 17 grandchildren; and 32 great-grandchildren. She was also the founder and president of Claremont Psychological Services, where she was also active to the end of her life. Beginning in 1959, when the present campus was opened and the curriculum expanded to four years, the department under Evelyn's leadership developed a four-year generic program leading freshman students directly to the BSN and eligibility for the R.N. He began attending seminars at UC Berkeley in labor economics, education, and business cycle theory and, as a volunteer, cofounded the Institute of Social and Personal Relations in the San Francisco Bay area. Wilkening joined the Cal State L.A. faculty in 1948 as a member of the original academic staff when the Los Angeles State College was established, and later served as chair of the Department of Psychology. Cheryl Miller then guided the Phoenix Mercury in the WNBA. Much of his work concerned the distribution of often limited budgets among the campuses, and he became a familiar figure in Sacramento testifying before legislative committees. A memorial service was held January 17 at Santa Anita Church, Arcadia. Except for brief appointments as instructor at the University of Oregon and Stockton College, he completed his entire career at Cal State L.A. Paul served as department chair and graduate studies coordinator in Sociology, and as an at large member of the Academic Senate, before becoming associate dean for fiscal affairs in the School of Letters and Science in 1971. Jacqueline Williams, senior director for planned giving at Cal State LA, attributes much of her fundraising success to years of mentorship from Carol long before Jacqueline came to Cal State LA. For many of them, sitting in Bobs office while individually flushing out design ideas and approaches was a life-changing experience. Professor Pearcy served as a member of the University faculty from 1969 until his retirement in 1973.The Emeritimes, September 1980, WARREN C. BRAY, Director of Graduate Programs in the School of Business and Economics and Professor of Accounting, died June 30, 1980 from complications following surgery.The Emeritimes, September 1980, MARYANN C. MOORE, administrative assistant in charge of the Academic Senate office, died on January 19, 1982 of bacterial meningitis at the San Gabriel Community Hospital. Among his many professional activities, Bert served as chair of the Los Angeles County Bar Association's Social Security Section and lectured to colleagues through the California State Bar Association and the National Organization of Social Security Claimant Representatives. On April 10, 1949, Harry married Margaret Robinson Romero, who encouraged him to continue his college education. degree in education. Her son Ricardo says that although his mother isn't around, in some ways she isn't gone. He enlisted in the United States Navy in 1944, and saw extensive service in the South Pacific. As a Fulbright professor of constitutional law for the school of law at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda in 1990, he raised the funds and built a medical clinic in Luwero, where Idi Amin's armies had killed several hundred thousand residents. Stan sat on several university-level committees, including faculty affairs, committee on committees, fiscal affairs, and academic freedom and professional ethics, as well as numerous school committees and every committee in the department. At the University, Gene became involved with several programs. But she was fiercely independent, in spite of being legally blind due to macular degeneration, profoundly deaf, and needing her cane to walk. Byong-kon founded the Pacific Contemporary Music Center to provide venues and means for composers here and in other Pacific Rim countries to have their music performed. A life fellow of the International Institute of Arts and Letters, Roysher was profiled in design, art, and architecture publications both in the U.S. and abroad, including Amerika, the Russian language publication issued by the U.S. Information Agency. He researched and wrote his doctoral dissertation on urban development in Jerusalem, while on an extended leave of absence on a kibbutz in Israel. However, eager to return to the West Coast, he joined the Cal State LA faculty in the Department of Psychology as a lecturer in 1971. Like many women, Jacks mother worked as a riveter during the war years. Pollyanne Baxter is survived by her husband, Francis Baxter, formerly head of choral organizations and music education at Cal State L.A.; son Norman; daughters Dawn Ann Gladden and Anna Beth Bernhard; son-in-law Gregg Bernhard; and grandson Jason Tyler Bernhard. Schug was also instrumental in having a brass plaque and sculpture of the Tau Beta Pi symbol erected in front of the engineering building.The Emeritimes, Winter 1998, WILLIAM (BILL) EMMONS LLOYD, SR., Publications Manager and Professor of Administration, 1959-1977, died February 21, 1998 in South Pasadena from lung cancer at the age of 87. At the end of his academic career, his fascination with the theater led to three years of joyful participation in the University's opera productions. His paintings, sculpture, and graphic designs are all over the United States, in public and private collections. Among her most memorable off-campus achievements was her work for the U.S. Department of Defense as consultant to schools in Japan for children of U.S. military personnel (1968-70). In 1985, both Ron and his wife, Sue, were members of the University Academic Senate, Sue as the graduate student representative. His early college work was done in Washington. Teresa was elected to the state Assembly in a special election in 1975, winning easily over her Republican opponent in the heavily Democratic 47th District, which included a large part of South L.A. and the cities of Bell, Cudahy, Huntington Park, Downey and Compton. Matilde and Rodolfo deeply loved and appreciated the country that took them in. With the help of friends, his wish came true. After his honorable discharge, he returned to Purdue and earned an M.S. Following graduation, she married one of her professors, Floyd Simpson, in1941. Hilard is survived by three sons from his first marriage, two of whom are physicians, and by two daughters whom he and Ellen adopted.The Emeritimes, Winter 2007 LEONARD "BUD" ADAMS , Head Football Coach, Intercollegiate Bowling Coach, and Emeritus Professor of Physical Education, 1951-1983, passed away peacefully on February 1, 2007 at the age of 86. A devoted wife, parent, and grandparent, Barbara is survived by her husband of 48 years, Terry; daughter Vanessa, son Mark, four granddaughters, one grandson, and three great-grandchildren.The Emeritimes, Winter 2021, MICHAEL JOHN HOFFMAN, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, 1981-2017, died at home in Pasadena on September 19, 2020 at the age of 72, after fighting a long battle with colorectal cancer. in 1974 from Hong Kong Chinese University. Jean worked closely with the public and private schools that were serving children with hearing impairments. After the war, he remained in the Naval Reserve for38 years, retiring with the rank of lieutenant commander. degrees in physics at the University of Virginia (1949) and the University of Southern California (1954), respectively, and studied advanced engineering at UCLA. She retired after 18 years and enjoyed many years of creative writing, full-time. A Zen Buddhist, she compiled her required brag sheets at the end of each year with a listing of her Zen masters. Norman was loved and admired by his students; they felt his concern for their intellectual well-being. He is survived by daughter Michele, son Robert II, sister Marilyn, and five grandchildren. Shortly after the launching of Sputnik by the USSR, Julian traveled to the Soviet Union to familiarize himself with its science programs. His broad interests encompassed history, politics, linguistics, impressionist art, and classical music. Following his retirement, he loved making trips to San Diego, which he considered to be paradise. He loved listening to singer Michael Feinstein, whom he had met on several occasions with his friend Lu Elrod, emerita professor of music; dining at seafood restaurants; a nice glass of pinot grigio; dry sherry along with almonds or dark chocolate; and studying the Shakespeare authorship question. After three years of service in the military, Jack resumed his college career, but this time with the decision to major in philosophy and English at Marquette University. He spent the next year, 1970-71, as the deputy state university dean, instructional programs, in the California State University Chancellor's Office. Known as Flash by his friends, Warren earned that nickname from his meticulous, colorful dressing and ever-present bow tie. The Emeritimes, Winter 1997, DONALD J. HAGER, Professor of Sociology, 1957-1981, and one of the early members of the department, died this past summer 1996. As a Ph.D. in History, he taught classes in History at Cal State in addition to serving on the Library staff. He served on the fiscal, faculty, and educational policy committees, among others. from the University of Utah, in 1939 and 1941, respectively, where she taught and also danced in the University orchesis group. He was 91 years old. While completing his dissertation, he taught at Western Washington State College. in 1966 from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Jim is survived by his wife Wanda; children Ann, Lois, James, and Louis and their spouses; five grandchildren; his sister Bert; and loving nieces and nephews. Cheryl Jean Miller, 58. All the while, he was reading deeply and widely and laying the groundwork for his advanced literary studies in the late 1950s. Last May he was made a fellow of the Historical Society of Southern California for his historical and environmental contributions. Another very important post-retirement project was the mentoring program she established with the California Dietetic Association. His colleagues remember these contributions to the department and his commitment to all aspects of the governance of the department. In the course of her musical career, Paulee also sang in the Community Concerts series through Columbia Artists. In the course of her faculty career, she developed a related interest in law, earned an LL.B. In addition to Jacquie, Gerry is survived by a brother, two sons, a daughter, seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. from UCLA. Don predeceased her in 2007. In addition to Bill, Virginia is survived by three children and five grandchildren.The Emeritimes, Spring 2004, MARY GORMLY, Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian, 1962-1983, well-known as a Cal State L.A. humanities and social sciences librarian, whose active service years ran from 1962 to1983, died on July 19, 2004 at the age of 84. He was assistant dean of the School of Letters and Science from 1968 to 1970 and associate dean of that school and its successor, the School of Natural and Social Sciences, from 1981 through 1989. Appropriately for a historian, Arnies life paralleled the history of Jews in the United States in the 20th century. With World War II came marriage to Carl Yerrington and the birth of their daughter, Barbara. In the 1970s, Don began to cut and polish opals, in part due to his interest in the optical properties of this fiery gemstone. He worked at the Los Angeles Public Library during 1954-55 while attending library school at USC. Born in Wrenshall, Minnesota, on January 6, 1912, she grew up in that state, earning a B.S. They also were active members of their parish community. Arnies academic career began after he returned from his Fulbright Fellowship, first with a position at the University of Calgary and then, in 1961, with his appointment at Cal State LA, where he spent the rest of his career until his retirement in 1992. His WW II service included stints as a deck officer in both the Atlantic and Pacific theatres. Colleague Linda Trevillian recalls, His ballroom dancing skills were widely known, and he even danced a beautiful duet with [former Library head] JoAn Kunselman for one of our Faculty-Staff Vocal Extravaganza programs. One of the most distinguished and honored professors at Cal State LA, Don received an Alumni Award of Merit in 1975 and an Outstanding Professor Award the following year. Saralyn was born in Huntington, West Virginia on May 11, 1924 to Ruth Kaufman Daly, herself a teacher and writer, and John Ross Daly. Jack was born in Los Angeles on July 14,1921 and attended local schools. He was Anthropology Department chair upon arrival, and served until 1975. Joe's additional professional activities included contributions to his field in professional journals and at international meetings and workshops. . One year, it was announced that a good friend of hers would give a surprise performance at the extravaganza. During the 1970s, Millie was employed by the Los Angeles School District in its early childhood education program. He was involved in the project for the planting of the alumni grove near the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library. In September 1960, Jack was hired by the Engineering Department at what was then Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences. She also coached womens basketball. Prior to returning to her alma mater to teach in 1970, Sumi taught at Santa Ana High School and Compton Junior College. He departed New York City, which he had left only once previously to serve in the Army in Korea during the Korean War. He was a popular professor, specializing in electronics, drafting, industrial crafts, and woodworking. Memorial gifts in her honor may be sent to the school, 1700 Danbury Road, Claremont, CA 91711.The Emeritimes, Fall 1991, ARLENE F. BOCK, Librarian Emerita, died on October 31, 1991. Two of his textbooks have been translated into Hindi and Japanese. But it was as the indefatigable bibliographer of his mentor that Benson excelled. He became an advocate for use of synthetic car lubricants to decrease dependence on fossil fuels. This was followed by the completion of a postdoctoral fellowship at Caltech. He held a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree from New York University and a Master of Mechanical Engineering degree from Cal State L.A. He was also one of the principal advisers for the Single Subject Speech Credential B.A. She was a specialist in food preparation and food services, and helped develop the Cal State L.A. program for training home economists in business. Numerous Cal State LA alumni advanced to the professional ranks during that time, including outfielder Jay Gibbons, who played for the Golden Eagles from 1996 to 1998, and pitcher Mike Burns, who started his collegiate career as an infielder and wound up as a Major League Baseball pitcher. He was stationed at Buckley Field, near Denver, assigned to an examining unit for the selection of personnel for air crews. She loved to travel, and she and Alfredo went to Mexico and France on almost a yearly basis. She moved quickly up the faculty ranks to associate professor, reaching the rank of professor in 1985. He was also inducted into the Ashland University Hall of Fame that year. Lloyd received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1953 that enabled him to do research at the Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. She joined the staff of the Los Angeles State College Library at the old Vermont campus at Los Angeles City College in1952, and retired from the Library at Cal StateL.A. The fellowship in Argentina initiated a lifelong friendship with Rubn and Alicia Bilbao. My focus is on exploring a variety of cognitive processes, a study in which I participate to the end of learning more effective modes of communication. Her work in developing multicultural modes of teaching writing to Cal State LAs diverse student body was funded as an innovative project by the CSU Chancellors Office. Some of his students went on to exciting mathematical careers. Vince retired from the University at the end of the fall quarter 1984 and was granted emeritus status. Main Telephone Numbers: 323-343-3901. Shortly after he retired from our faculty, the Gunnells moved to Orem, Utah, where he enjoyed following BYU sports and playing golf in addition to further assignments for his church. Feeling the need for a change of venue after 12 years at Arroyo Grande, Harry accepted appointment as Superintendent of U.S. Navy Schools in Japan. Athletics Hall of Fame. Professionally, she was a pioneer in the field of post-traumatic stress; her experiences with post-traumatic stress problems of Vietnam soldiers, veterans, and medical personnel, and insights about the problem and its treatment, made her a much sought-after speaker, resource person, and consultant. After resigning from the Sheriffs Department in 1975, Earle came to the Cal State L.A. Department of Criminal Justice and subsequently served as its chair. While they were there, he was sharp as a tack, still had his wonderful sense of humor, and was busily planning travel to Japan, where he would be roommate to his grandson who is studying there. During his tenure the department grew into one of the largest of its type in California. He says he learned a lot from Bob, and looks back fondly on their time together at school and after Bob retired. from St. Mary-of- the -Woods College in Indiana, after which she organized and directed plays throughout the United States with a traveling theater company. Mary retired in 1991 and lived in Hawthorne, California, where she enjoyed gardening, traveling, and growing beautiful roses. Born in San Diego, Sabrina received her B.A. He began teaching night courses in electrical engineering at the Vermont campus as an adjunct, and in 1955 decided to make teaching his career.