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To engage in the business ofInsuring Titles to Real Estate andMortgage Guarantees and of preparing and issuing abstracts andcertificates of title and certifyingas to the condition of record of titleof any real estate or personal property as it appears from public records, and to purchase, build, leaseor otherwise acquire and own abstract books or plants.9. Death notices, on the other There 7 s no need of fueling, firing, regulating, and there is noannoyance and delay over a poor orinadequate supply of hot water.A SEE THE'' I LATEST MODELS"I AT OUR SHOWI ROOM LOCATEDI IN THE BOWMANf j, HOTEL BLDG.\ J LOW EASYTERMSrjTizEN SVJ UTILITIES COMPANYNOGALES, ARIZONAPAGE TWOterned after ancient Indian snakeceremonies, appealed to the publicto round up all the bullsnakes theycould find and offered a cash bonusfor the largest one delivered.But, they emphasized, please dontsend a crate of "bull snakes withrattlers on their tails and poisonfangs.OFFICESUPPLIESTypewriter repairsoffice equipment stationery and ledgers.WILDES112 Morley Ave. About | [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, Bisbee Douglas9:00 A 10:45 A 12:25 P 1:15 P4:00 P 6:00 P 7:25 P 8:15 PNOGALES-BISBEESTAGE CO.Telephone 163CITIZEN AUTOSTAGE CO.TUCSON NOGALESPhone 6370 Phone 163NORTHBOUNDLeave Nogales: 7:00 A.M., 8:30A.M., 9:15 A.M., 10:15 A.M..11:00 A.M., 12:01 P.M., 1:30 P.M., 3:00 P.M., 3:45 P.M., 4:15 P.M., 5:00 P.M., 6:20 P-M 8:30 P.M.. 10:30 P.M.SOUTHBOUNDLeave Tucson: 7:10 A.M., 8:00 A.M., 8:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 10:50 A.M., 12:01 P.M., 1:00P.M., 2:00 P.M., 3:45 P.M., 5:10P.M., 6:20 P.M., 8:30 P.M., 12:30A.M.Effective February 9, 1945MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME1JIM TITCOMBpartment of Patagonia Union HighSchool. His home is in Hollywood.KERSON RECOVERINGJames Kerson of the Cavern Casehas recovered from a severe attackof influenza. Copyright 2000- Nogales Obituaries - Latest Obituaries in Nogales, AZ - Echovita W. McFarlandWilliam W. McFarland 70, wgllknown commodity broker, diedTuesday night at his home. Maria Coronel. SeeUs When You Need Furniture!YOUNGOS339 Morley Phone 144NogalesTransfer& Fuel Co.Experts on furniture movingand crating heavy and lighthauling . 1ORES BOUGHT f.o.b. Sincerely, Harry S. Truman.As a member of the senate committee on the judiciary, Senator Mc-Farland expects to obtain early action on the Speakman nomination.Death ClaimsW. Learn about teaching and non-teaching . Search Nogales obituaries and condolences, hosted by SpivFRANCES PETERSONMrs. Due tothis beating, the locals will enterthe fray tonight as underdogs,j After tonights fracas, the Apach-1 j es will resume practice on Monday| until Wednesday when they leave| for the state tourney. 12, Nogales, Arizona, on April 20,1946, are sponsoring a dance to be held at the RanchoGrande beginning at 9:00 p.m. Five door prizes willbe given away during the evening including a new1946 Ford Automobile. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. . Accessibility | According Read More, Elisa Nunez's passing on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. She succumbed to a spirited battle with Parkinson's disease. Former Nogales Mayor Marco Lopez announces run for governor. Thelatter two are joint committees ofSenators and Representatives.The appropriations and the rulesand administration committees arethe most powerful in the Senate.Carmen Morales, 410 Sonoita avenue, reports that someone stole atricycle from in front of her homeSunday.Beware Coughsfrom common coldsThat Hang OnCreomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of thetrouble to help loosen and expelgerm laden phlegm, and aid natureto soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Briefs: NPD still seeking answers in man's death. They will be minus the services of Albert Zenizo and Edward,Sloan.The Senior hotshots will be ledinto action by galloping James Maoris. To build houses or other buildings of every kind and character,either for sale or lease or on contract or otherwise.3. three-year letterman who wasco-captain and field general of lastyears eleven which tied with theTucson Badgers for the leadershipof the southern conference. Phone 176Mexican MoneyBought and Soid.| Loans to salaried peopleINSURANCEC. J J DILLONTOWNSEND DANCEMrs. Carl Hayden of Arizona isthe only Democrat in the Republicancontrolled Senate serving on fourcommittees.Hayden, who has represented Arizona either in the House or Senatesince his state was admitted to theunion 35 years ago today, was assigned to the appropriations, rulesand administration, printing andlegislative budget committees. The State tax ratehas increased because of increasedactivity, he said.I do know there is somethingwrong with the tax structure in Arizona. NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Nogales Home NewspaperSCHOOL BOARDThe regular monthly meeting ofthe board of school trustees will beheld at the office of the superintendent of city schools May 14 atS p.m.FOR RENT: Five room furnishedhouse. Nogales International obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Nogales, Arizona. She was born on January 16, 1928, in Los Angeles, CA. Ed Martan. **Most of these lists are based on a first come, firstserved formula, which, in general, is the fairest kindof list to have.iWe suggest that every merchant in town tell theveterans that they can get at the head of the linethat this is a Veterans First towm. July 26, 2022 (75 years old) NOGALES: The Nogales Unified School District holds a job fair, 9 a.m. to noon at the Nogales High School cafeteria, 1905 N. Apache Blvd. Briefs: NPD still seeking answers in man's death He was ill three weeks! Assessors Office Closes at 12 oClockon Saturday, March 16, 1946R. Obituary of Victoria Vaughan Victoria Sue Vaughan, 72, of Tucson, Arizona passed away on Monday, February 27, 2023. H. W. Hamblin of Huntingi ton Park, California, formerly ofNogales, is spending a few days inthe city and reports that two ofher daughters, Mrs. Ellie KarnsCHelen Hamblin) and Mrs. JohnOgle (Kathryn Hamblin) are critically ill, Mrs. Karns in Los Angelesand Mrs. Ogle in Long Beach. Obituary Announcement. *********On Tuesday afternoon, from fouruntil six, Miss Esther Barber of LosAngeles and Mrs. Beatrice Wagnerof La Jolla were honor guests at atea given by Dr. Smock at herSpanish home on First street. 1Jefferson St., following a lingeringillness.Services will be held this afternoon at the Carroon Mortuary. Nogales international. [volume], May 03, 1946, Image 1 * Deceased's Obituary. Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Project Just drop in and seethem.Also we make the wellknown GOLDEN CRUSTBREAD.IK. Agnes Hamlin, candidate for Ithe Democratic nomination for jCounty Treasurer, and daughter, jMrs. Nogales International - Nogales International The next fewyears, I believe, will be one of themost important periods in Americanhistory, and your continuance in thesenate will give your services to thenation as well as to your state. She was born on March 22nd, 1957 in Douglas Read More, Obituary of Christine Leigh Osuna Christine passed away the morning of February 9, 2023 surrounded by family. You can click this link to create an obituary. 1Your Vote Will Be GladlyAppreciatedA. We won't share it with anyone else. There is nolimit to the number of tickets which may he purchased.The Nogales AMVETS invite the mothers, wives,sisters and daughters of World II veterans toorganize an AMVETS Auxiliary. IGNo. Nogales International - Home - Facebook Accessibility | J. LOWEFORSCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County SchoolSuperintendent subject to thedecision of the voters at the Julyprimary election.CORA EVERHARTFOR SUPERVISORI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County Supervisor in District No. (Robert) Soto; son, Javier (Mercedes) Mazon; seven grandchildren; Learn more, Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ. (4-4 4 Fri.)IN THE SUPERIOR COURTOs Santa Cruz County, State ofArizonaAction brought in the SuperiorCourt of Santa Cruz County, Stateof Arizona, and the Complaint filedin the said County of Santa Cruzin the office of the Clerk of the saidSuperior Court.CHESTER M. DERBYSHIRE,Plaintiffvs.TOM MEEHAN, DefendantIN THE NAME OF THE STATE OFARIZONA TO TOM MEEHAN Defendant, Greeting:You Are Hereby Summoned and re-2 quired to appear in an actionNOGALES INTERNATIONAL9 *ke Adventures Fire HellionMHR GOING TO Fill THE iMT **, // f PUT OUT THAT I J1 INSURANCEGASOLINEindividoaliMdInsurance Headquarters * Hartford AgentsC. Juanita Mercedes Pensinger Mazon, 93, a longtime resident of, Nogales international. December 14, 2022 (96 years old) View obituary. Oscar Read More, Obituary of Michael Anderson Hicks Michael Anderson Hicks was born in Bend Oregon in 1958 to Dolores Jeanne Anderson and TJ Hicks. Donate Obituary of Victoria Vaughan Victoria Sue Vaughan, 72, of Tucson, Arizona passed away on Monday, February 27, 2023. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. 3Now Serving Third TermFOR SHERIFFI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for Sheriff, subjectto the decision of the voters althe July primary election.J. TheroomsLEGAL NOTICEbrought against you by the abovenamed plaintiff in the SuperiorCourt of Santa Cruz County, Stateof Arizona, and answer the Complaint therein filed with the Clerkof this said Court, at Nogales, insaid County, within twenty days after the service upon you of thisSummons, if served in this saidCounty, or in all other cases within thirty days thereafter, the timesabove mentioned being exclusive ofthe day of service; or judgment bydefault will be taken against you.Given under my hand and seal ofthe Superior Court of Santa CruzCounty, State of Aiizona, this Istday of April, A. D. (Mike) Frankenpohl, Trap.212 MORLEY AVE.Nogalesj Exchange &Commission Co.Upstairs at 203 MorleyAvenue. She was told that never be! External Link Disclaimer | Family and friends can send flowers and/or light a candle as a loving gesture for their loved one. Accessibility | Forgive me my pride in myyouth and my glory in my strength that forgot the holiness of your years andthe veneration of your weakness, for my neglect, for my selfishness, for all thegreat debts of your love that I have not paid, mother, sweet mother, forgive me.And may the peace and the joy that passeth all understanding be yours,my mother, forever and ever. Jobs | Nogales News | ABC15 Arizona | KNXV - TV Obituary Information. L. French, Nogales, ArizonaARTICLE IIThe name of corporation shall beTITLE INSURANCE, MORTGAGE& TRUST CO.ARTICLE IUThe pjincipal place of business Jof this Corporation within Arizona jshall be Nogales, Arizona, but other,offices may be established and maintained within or outside of Aiizonaat such places as *he Board of Directors may designate whore meetings of stockholders and directorsmay be held, and any and all corporate business transacted.ARTICLE IVThe general nature of the business jof the corporation and the objectsand purposes proposed to be transacted, promoted, or carried by itare as follows, to-wit:1. Photo. Nogales, Ariz., died Feb. 1, 2007, in Tucson. L. FrenchSTATE OF ARIZONA ))ss.COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ )This instrument was acknowledg- ied before me this 25 day of March, I1930, by F. A. French, Sigmund O. Simply browse the Nogaless obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved ones name. Her devotion to her family Read More, Obituary of Clifford Joseph Carr Clifford Joseph Carr We are heartbroken to announce the death of our father, Clifford Carr. erary success this week when hisI artic l " South of the Border appeared in the Saturday EveningPost, considered by authorities asone of the best American popularmagazines.i The writer is a brother of JulioPina, Jr., of the First NationalBank and Mrs. James Manson ofNogales. The obituaries page for the Nogales International Newspaper in Nogales, AZ highlighting recent, local individuals that have been laid to rest. To conduct said business abovespecified in any and all branchesand ramifications and to do suchbusiness in any and all places inthe United States and in the territories of the United States and allforeign countries, either as principal,agent, director or otherwise.11. Page 369.I Witness my hand and officialseal the day and year aforesaid.SEAL Ada E. Jones,County Recorder.(Pub. 20, 1928, in Antafagasta, Chile.Her guardian is Mrs. Belen Carter, 412 Elm street.Jim Titcomb, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Titcomb, 532 Crawford street, was born at Nogales May 13,1930.Frances Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Peterson, 207 Ellis street, was born hereMarch 2, 1930.ELGIN NEWS(By MRS. JAMES PARKER)Mrs. Stone Collie from the Mustang Guest Ranch near Elgin was ashopper in Nogales Wednesday.Mrs. To act as agents, factors, brokers, commission merchants, contractors, lessees, and managers of es-I tates or otherwise in entering into,! V. HARAWAY, Mgr. ,County Recorder Mary Bettwy andCounty Treasurer C. Mignardot were Iamong Nogalians attending theTownsend Club dance at SonoitaSaturday night.hjMexico wanted first-degree murder charges for Arizona rancher iARTICLE VIThe commencement of the corporation shall be the date of the is-I suance to it of a certificate of in-I corporation by the Arizona Corpora- (tion Commission, and it shall en-;dure for the full term of twenty- ffive years thereafter, with privilege jof perpetual succession as providedby statute.ARTICLE VIIThe affairs of the corporationshall be conducted by a Board ofDirectors and such officers as thesaid Directors may elect or appoint. Attorney: Nogales rancher charged with murder fired warning shots in self-defense Kelly walked onto his porch and saw the leader of the group point an AK-47 at him, the motion read. Lindsay Kerr 4:08 PM, May 21, 2021 . Press | Airport information including flight arrivals, flight departures, instrument approach procedures, weather, location, runways, diagrams, sectional charts, navaids, radio communication frequencies, FBO and fuel prices, hotels, car rentals, sunrise and sunset times, aerial photos, terminal maps, and destination travel . var year = today.getFullYear() Gold and Silver in i aample .. ~ SI.OOGold, SUver, Lead and Copper in 1 ea topic Sk.nOLead, Copper, Zinc, Hangaareae, Iron, Lime, Grapmte, II Sulphur, Inaolubles (fold |or silver alone) each SI.OO IDiscounts on larre amount*. Plus, 95% of GenealogyBank records cannot be found through any other online services. Marie Arbuckle, who suffereda broken leg some weeks ago hasimproved to the extent she has beenmoved to her home at the SandsRanch.The annual business meeting ofthe Elgin Book Circle was held atthe Elgin club house. Cheshire was the hospitable hostess to a group of friends at abridge tea given at her home onPotrero. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, Sam Dysart, program chairman for the club convention, is leaving teday for Phoenix to conferwith the state president of the organization on program events forthe March meeting.Both the Junior and Senior divisions of the State Federation willmeet here.All arrangements for the convention are being handled by the Nogales Womans Club of which Mrs.Russell Meeker is president.Two Die InMine BlastNear NogalesVictims of a premature dynamiteexplosion, Robert Landers, 48, andPedro Carnes. The Nogales International reports . Copyright Legal | Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. Employ these five steps when tracking down your ancestors to get more accurate results. Mar 3, 2023 Updated 6 min ago. Press | Titcomb arrived Tuesday fromSombreretillo, 60 miles southwest ofNogales, where he is engaged inmining.CUSTOMS OFFICIALEdson J. Shamhart, chief of theDivision of Enforcement. Nogales international. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, March 15 *******FLOWER SHOWTomorrow at the Womans Clubrooms, the Nogales Womans Clubwill sponsor its second flower show,and, in view of the success of theone last spring, everyone is anticipating the display of manybeautiful garden blooms. sustained while unloading lumber.Mrs. Deceased's obituary. Receive the digital, interactive PDF of the newspaper in your inbox. Nogales international. The Nogales International is an award-winning newspaper based in the U.S.-Mexico border community of Nogales, Ariz. Get started with GenealogyBank and start making connections today. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your account. R. P. Innskeep, Mrs. Hugo Miller, Mrs. Roy Cheshire, Mrs. Andrew Bettwy, Mrs. Fred Edwards,Mrs. Legacy Read More, Obituary of John Joseph Mahoney John Joseph Mahoney Jr., 68, died the 8 of February at Tucson Medical Center, after a brief illness. The. To buy, sell, hold, and gener-Experienced And EquippedHuraway Typewriter & Supply Co Repairing and Rebuilding of All Makes of Typewriter*.Ribbons for all makes. difference between a death notice and an obituary? R. T. Jones, eleci tion of officers, and selection ofKingman as the 1941 conventioncity, highlighted the closing day'ssession of the 36th annual conven-1 tion of the Arizona Cattle Growers; Association at Nogales Tuesday.Total registration for the two-daymeeting was 331 one so the largest conventions in the history ofNogales.Two hundred and fifty personsattended the associations annualbanquet and dance in the Montezuma Ballroom Monday night andat least fifty more were unable tofind seats.Mrs. Accessibility | View obituary. Ron was born August 28, 1942 Read More, Graciela Carranza's passing on Sunday, February 12, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. 1Mwalls are six feet in thickness and support a massive church tower. Judge OK's Arizona rancher trial in Mexican migrant killing experienced force.Fuel Oil, Coal and Wood444 GrandPhone 101Mike Ahumada & SonsNOGALES, ARIZ., FRIDAY, FEB. 14,1947f --.wiMARY LOU CARTERThese three young folks are honor roll students at Nogales High School where they are making highscholarship records.Mary Lou Carter, daughter of Maria Luisa Freeman, was born Cct. a buddy of John Jund and Nick;Kerson of Nogales in the World jwar. Thebody will be sent to San Franciscofor interment.He was a resident of Nogales since1939 and an active member of theNogales Golf Club.Survivors include his widow, Mrs.Maude McFarland; a daughter, MissAda L. McFarland, New York City;a son, Whitcomb J., of San Francisco, and a sister, Mrs. Louise M.OConnor, Washington, D. C.Softball MeetingSet For TonightThe first of a series of softballmeetings will be held tonight at theChamber of Commerce at 8 oclock.Joe (Lupito) Vasquez, who revivednight softball in Nogales last year, byorganizing a five team league, andalso managed the Brackers softballteam, which won the championshiplast year, asks that all the membersof last year softball commission besure and attend this meeting, so thatthey can notify this years leaguewhether they will continue on thecommission or not.Any local businessman or clubfrom either side of the border,wishing to enter a team in theleague will please have a representative at the meeting.NOTICE!THE SECOND HALFINSTALLMENT OF 1945TAXES ARE DUEThis final installment became duethe first Monday in March andwill become delinquent Monday,May 6,1946, at 5 P.M. after whichinterest at the rate of 10% perannum will be charged until paid.Taxes are payable at the office of theCOUNTY TREASURER in the Court House.C. The United States, Great Britain and Russiawill eventually be able to get along in friendly fashionand settle their differences intelligently.Russia isnt ready to fight a big-scale war as yet.Neither is the United States, but our war potential isstill stronger than Russias and she knows this, soRussia will abandon her bluff.Veterans FirstMany merchants are busy building up reservationlists for scarce merchandise lists which show theorder in which people will get automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines and even nylons when theyfinally become available. B. SORRELLSDemocratic Candidate ForReelectionCOUNTY SUPERVISORDistrict No. A. L. Gustetter was a visitorhere yesterday from Tucson.Mr. |HARRISON-SMITH , !Phone 4932Tucson 228 E. 6th St.Tucson |NOTICE OilVEHICLE OWNERS1946 COMMERCIAL STICKERSHAVE ARRIVEDThese Stickers and 1946 Registration Cardsmust be on all commercial vehicles by Saturday,March 16, 1946. Nowonder truth is so elusive!Painting & Decorating ContractorsCOMMERCIAL HOME RANCHWorkmanship GuaranteedSpraying and Only First Grade Material Used. External Link Disclaimer | Uncover the branches of your family tree. . Ar. Family members would have published death notices in the Nogales International to detail the persons name, age, residence, work history, and any information about the funeral service. Nogales International Airport ADOT Information; FAA Airport Identifier: OLS; Master Plan Project; Mission Statement To promote and encourage public aviation services and economic development activities at Nogales International Airport consistent with sound public policy, Federal Aviation Administration regulations and public safety and welfare. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. Press | M. MUNOZ, Prop.Cleaning, Pressing RepairingAnd DyeingAsk Any Customer143 Sonoita Ave. Learn more, Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ. and Mrs. Jones Black expectto spend Saster visiting their daughters in Tucson. Cars leave church at 5:15 A. M.Bible school, 10 A. M,Morning worship, 11 A, M. Sermon by pastor, The Resurrection ofJesus, A Christian Fundamental.Solo by Mrs. Duane Bird On TheCross.Special number by choir.Junior and Senior B. Y. P. Us.6:45 P. M.Evening worship, 7:45 P. M.Sermon by pastor, Eight NewTestament Resurrections.Special number by choir.Bible study, Book of Romans, Friday, 7:45 P. M.We cordially invite you to worship with us.W. J. M. Keith of Phoenix, secretary of the association, said arrangements should have been madefor 300. PUBLISHED WHERE TWO NATIONS MEETUolomstsOff to Seek Utopia in Caribbean SeaEn route to East Caicos, a 125.000-acre island at the southeastern end of the Bahamas, this small group recently arrived in Cutler, Fla., from Pasadena, Calif. Inspector General | Join our mailing list [email protected] 2580 S. 6th Ave ; Tucson, Arizona 85713; 520-547-3400 Donate August 15, 2022 (83 years old) View obituary. C. MOODY, Prop.Families AccommodatedVt 2% Grand Ave. Nogales International Airport - Santa Cruz County, AZ Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Her large outfit borderson what is known as Date Creek.Miss McNeil is an Arizonan bybirth, having been born at Globewhere her ancestors were among theearliest of Arizona settlers. Nogales Police Officer dies after being struck by vehicle on I-19. Connect with your classmates to honor alumni and teachers. Jeremy Brinton Obituary (1980 - 2021) | Nogales, AZ Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. Garca-Garca J, Diez-Echave P, Yuste ME, Chueca N, Garca F, Cabeza-Barrera J, Fernndez-Varn E, Glvez J, Colmenero M, Rodrguez-Cabezas ME, Rodrguez-Nogales A, Morn R. Gut Microbiota Composition Can Predict Colonization by Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria in SARS-CoV-2 Patients in Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study. Please choose a method to submit your photo. Feb. 6 in Nogales. IF YOU BAKE AT HOMEuse Fleischmanns active, fresh Yeastwith the familiar yellow label. Copyright 2023 NewsBank, Inc. 5801 Pelican Bay Blvd. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, February 22, 1941, Image 1, brought to you by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. She attended a boarding school while inher teens and some years later became one of the best known personsin the cattle business of the Southwest.a matter of character assassination.Henry G. Boice, Tucson, wasnamed head of the committee ofcattlemen to investigate a taxpayers league plan and possibly form astate wide organization of that nature in Arizona.A resolution condemning the continuation of reciprocal trade treaties also was passed by the delegates.They said cattle herds in the United States were increasing steadilyand that continuation of reciprocaltrade agreements would force cattle prices down.Speakers charged that the theoryof reciprocal trade treaties being afactor toward world peace was false.They raid there was no more relation between peace and reciprocal(Turn to Page Four) ,Tumacacori National Monument107,900 PoundsArizona Wool| Shipped EastPHOENIX, Feb. 23(UP) Approximately 107,000 pounds of woolwere shipped to an eastern corporation this week, Jerrie W. Lee,secretary of the Arizona Wool Growers Association, reported today.The woolthree freight carloadsof it was sent without a pricequotation. Nogales international. DPS stops tractor-trailer carrying large drug load, DPS identifies victims of fatal crash on SR 82, Justice of the peace finds probable cause in rancher murder case, One hospitalized after Border Patrol shooting near Pima County line, Court docs show more charges, defendants possible in bribery case, Hawks get strong pitching, three-run homers in win over NHS, Nogales downs Rio Rico 12-1 in county rivalry game, Wreck on SR 82 leaves four dead; five killed in crash in Sonora, Nogalian retires from CBP after 30-plus years. According Read More, Obituary of Darlene Minnie Jean Reyes Darlene Minnie Jean (Thompson) Reyes, passed away peacefully at the age of 80 on February 14th, 2023 with Read More, Obituary of Jack Kelly Jack Kelly, age 90, passed peacefully away at his ranch home in the San Pedro River valley near Redington, AZ on February Read More, Debbie Webster's passing on Thursday, February 16, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ.