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Maybe its best to think of the Dana as a 30 foot boat which can go on a trailer or find a cheap place in any marina at any time of the year. The interior is Crealock at his best. Thanks. Long exposure, early morning. In 2005 Saltair, a 25+ year old Cal 30, completed a singlehanded circumnavigation. Izvueno Chipsy zlato u vrednosti od 5.000.000 dinara - ali potraga se nastavlja! Anyway, the mast is nearly 7 years old now and still looks shiny. The bulkheads are fitted and glassed in as well, and in places they are also bolted in. But once you get into outer . I recently became fascinated by sailing and joined a sailing club. The solution I have for this is to turn the Dana into a yawl with the addition of a small temporary mizzen mast. What follows is an article about living with a Dana 24. They normally put instruments on the other side thus spoiling another good place to sit. On Doolittle, I soon modified the platform to mount on either side of the bowsprit. 44' Guyline Guyline 44' Chicago, Illinois Asking $45,000. PSCs solution was to leave a bigger glue gap working on the assumption that they didnt use enough glue. Inside the fridge are two clear Perspex shelves dividing the space. What I do remember is that the engine was clattery and noisy. This helped a lot but its still not the quietest or smoothest engine installation I have known. Wherever a pipe goes through a bulk head, it is always protected from chafe by the use of a piece of larger diameter pipe in the hole. I am 56 but a little round in the hips and in no way shape or form could get into that ice box! Thank you very much. klondike elementary school yearbook. I do not believe that the Dana was ever supplied with runners but theres a chance that the mast will have the necessary fitting already on it so fitting them is no hardship. Thanks! Keep up the reports on your incredible adventures. The bloke who put the woodwork in the boat must have been half blind or incompetent. 0. For a Glossary of terms click here. Pic by James Taylor This was before the roller furlers were fitted. It is a full 2 metres long and wide, tapering as it goes forward. The Mark 2 Danas were about $70,000 which although still expensive for a 24 foot boat were more attainable and about 350 have been made over the last 25 years. And the principles in the review can be applied to almost any boat. A detail perhaps not fully appreciated is that until recently all PSC boats were laid up in open sheds in California (they are now in Carolina) where the humidity was always low. We soon got bored of fitting and removing the boards so I made some doors which is a much more sensible solution if you live aboard. The dining table slides out from its hiding place in a slot under the V-berth, supported by the stainless steel mast strut when in use. The boat has a very nice spacious and open feel to it. Doolittle might just be the quintessential Dana! Opposite the galley is a hanging locker and yes, you guessed it, I can get in that one too! Perhaps he thought PSC was a cash cow and hed make a packet but I think he soon tired of the idea and lost interest. Ugly, wide and uneven glue joins visible. Author in the fridge. The noise this makes is most disconcerting and frankly annoying. There is some fibreglass showing but it is in no way offensive and simply helps to brighten the interior. The cockpit locker on the port side is virtually empty and can only be described as voluminous. I used to have a Pearson 26 in Florida, which was fine for day sailing but not built heavy duty like a Dana. Its basically a []. I am so impressed. I know its a clich but she does. The boat is fitted with a Japanese Yanmar 2GM20F diesel engine of 18hp (13kW). It is then glued to the hull using 3M 5200 and bolted through every three inches or so. One of the best things about the Dana is that it is resistant to rolling at anchor. I solved this by not having one. I too would be proud to own such a vessel. WOW Event Center Hours Open for Slip Holders and Guests 24/7 We have for sale: A hardy 1967 30' Rawson sloop in good condition, a great blue water liveaboard - $19.9 k One Double axle trailer (frame and axles in good shape but it needs just about everything else!) The feel on the helm of the Dana is a little dull. When a boat is designed with accommodation in mind and the hull shape created afterwards all sorts of undesirable characteristics come to light. My last boat was covered in varnish. beam 8 feet. Spacious, comfortable, safe, solid, capable, easy to sail, small enough to be trailered or find its way into the smallest harbours, creaks or canals. You can choose to opt out of Googles use of cookies by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy. The fact that boat was also rolling when hove to also suggests that the waves were coming from the side. This photo shows a cut out which came from the Transom when I cut a hole to install an electric socket. There is a switch by the sink which operates the shower pump which is installed in the stb cockpit locker. In fact its not as serious as you might think since the rudder is engineered to be strong enough without it but its still a disappointment. I applaud the ecological benefits of using this fast growing timber but personally I dont like it. I did this for many reasons. It might be better to carry a spare engine fuel pump as they are very small and simply change it if it fails, rather than having a heavy, large and mostly useless electric pump in the engine bay. This looks to be a fantastic boat with minimum of headache and maximum of pleasure. The bottom line is that the Dana is built for cruising and not for racing. Moved Permanently. Dana Foundation Awards 11 Planning Grants for Potential Dana Centers for Neuroscience & Society. Most visitors are surprised to learn that the boat is so short, they normally put her length at nearer 30 feet. Often its the bulkheads that give way on modern yachts. Theres no skimping on the materials of a Dana. The Dana is an American boat however and they generally moor alongside and not stern too. Pete Gallienne. Quite a few Dana 24s are available on the used-boat market, from California and Washington to the Eastern Seaboard, and we found that prices ranged from $45,000 for a 1985 model to $115,000 for a 2004 boat. Leica M9, 21mm Asph Cabin looking aft. Manoeuvring the Dana is made easier by a tiller that lifts up and allows you to stand in the cockpit and look right along the boat. The galley has a fully gimbling 2 burner oven and even a excellent, top loading well insulated 100 litre cold box. Simply fantastic review of the Dana. The bowsprit allows great anchor options but also makes a great platform for watching dolphins or just contemplating the universe as you sail along. The boat becomes perfectly balanced and can be steered simply by adjusting the angle of the mizzen sail. The early Danas were fitted with a Yanmar 2GM20 two cylinder diesel engine producing about 18 hp. The battery charger and the inverter are fitted in this locker as they are nearest to the batteries. Google, one of our third-party advertisers, may add a cookie to determine targeted advertisements based on your preferences and your visit to our site and other sites on the internet. the act of travelling all the way around something: A circumnavigation of the park along excellent, clearly signposted cycle paths is 25 miles. Very tidy and simple. What she was looking at was the sea! The staysail track is a bit short which means its hard to properly trim the sail on a broad reach. The then CEO Don Kohlmann joked that PSC only made $17 on each Dana sold. The conditions outside might be horrific but down below the motion is very smooth, even in the roughest seas. The zips allow access to the deck, should you need to fit something to it. It has a cutter sloop rig, a spooned and slightly raked stem, a nearly vertical transom, a keel-mounted rudder controlled by a tiller, a bowsprit and a fixed long keel. 11 METER OD * (U)*. I dont know what PSC were thinking about. $200 Ive sailed on and worked on a great deal of boats in the last 25 years and I have never seen anything that compares to the Dana. The floor is almost a metre wide and made of teak and holly plywood. dana 24 circumnavigation. Perhaps the most serious of the problems is a cracked rudder gudgeon. What you end up with is a strong and trusty seaworthy boat that wont get sunk by accident. The hull is easy to clean using a brush on a pole but there are two areas that are impossible to get at from the deck and that is aft on both sides where the transom tucks under. The hull of my boat was designed by Sparkman and Stevens but deck and cabin by someone else and built in fibreglass. a. Hello, Many modern cheap boats are made using only a chopped strand mat sprayed on with a time saving gun. How to use circumnavigate in a sentence. patrimoine yannick jadot. It incorporates the water tanks, engine beds, fridge, bunks and the floor. When its choppy this combination allows the Dana to sail through the waves with very little effort. It needs to be constructed by a builder who dots hid is and crosses his ts no shortcuts. The knob is bronze of course and even has a lock on it for those who want a little privacy. This differs from later models in having an iron fin keel, one set of lower shrouds, and is powered by an outboard engine. Going to sea should be taken seriously and many modern boats have far too many compromises to safety because of the need to compete in the market place. Jun 29, 2015 crealock, dana 24, ev100, for sale, pacific seacraft, prebit, tan sails, ullman. On the Pacific Seacraft Flicka, there is a deep quarter berth that is excellent for things like that but the Dana lacks this feature. In the old days, PSC had their own portholes cast in New Zealand. How many ocean going yachts can also motor along canals? dana 24 circumnavigation. I have loads more pictures of my boat. Like most boats, the Dana has no dedicated place for rubbish as standard. I was looking for the perfect pocket cruiser and I have now found it. All credit would be given of course! I laughed (perhaps slightly hysterically) to think that we were there at all. The Dana is completely hand made using a variety of different cloths and then hand squeegied to get the very best cloth to resin ratio. The hatch on Doolittle is a Bomar venting hatch which is not standard, it was something I insisted on. After all, it was exactly what Slocum did with the Spray, and if it was good enough for Captain Slocum, then its good enough for me! Covering 27,000 nautical miles and crossing . My last boat was simply dreadful and Ive seen many small boats rolling so badly one wonders how the occupants can survive with their sanity intact. A few months ago, 77-year-old Briton Jeanne Socrates became the oldest person to achieve the same . The deck moulding is made in a similar way and uses balsa to strengthen and insulate the deck, and plywood in areas where more strength is required, such as winch and stanchion bases. I dont really mind but when its very windy, the bows catch the wind and she drops downwind and pulls up hard against the anchor and because the boat is so heavy it can have enough force to rip the anchor out of the sea bed. The side decks are easily wide enough to walk along and getting to the decks from the cockpit is easy to do. With just 2200 rpm we can motor at 5 knots on a flat sea. I would like permission to use one of your picture, would you contact me please? Early one Wednesday morning in June 2016, we motored past Portland Head Light on our Valiant 42, Kite, and approached our mooring off the Eastern Promenade for the first time in . Theres plenty of room behind the engine for a decent sized hot water tank. As soon as you add a few new toys there will be an unhelpful voltage drop. Short film made with GoPro HD under and above water. I have found that the best finish is achieved by first washing the woodwork with soapy water and letting it dry thoroughly followed by a swift rub over to remove any nibs or bits of dust with the scratchy part of a sponge helps. Early Danas had frames with external brass hinges. There seems to be a general opinion these days that if you want to go offshore you need a boat around 40 feet. Many people will not even consider the Dana because it has no aft cabin or is only 24 feet long. The only evidence of what had happened was a small dent on the hanging locker door opposite the galley where the kettle had simply fallen off the stove because of the extreme angle the boat had got to and bashed into it. By flying the mizzen, she behaves impeccably at anchor facing directly into the wind as if aground. There are shelves on either side of the V berth with removable fiddles. ("12:00am-1:00am")At around 12:00am, Kevin and Nick took two strippers and exited the club with them in their van. To buy a boat or not to buy a boat? The bows entry is quite fine and the bows not particularly flared and there is little overhang. The mast is easy to look after as it is well painted. Again, practical but somehow out of character, cold and unfriendly. There is an excellent light on the mast that illuminates the foredeck perfectly at night. Circumnavigation Books. They are all oversized and totally solid. For offshore cruising I would always take the cutter rig over a sloop. In fairness to PSC they did their best to make my boat just how I wanted it but they rushed the build although Id given them a year to make it. The Dana 24 shares many of the same design characteristics as her larger sisters: clean lines, traditional ocean-cruiser appearance, nearly plumb bow and stern, comfortable spaces belowdecks.